DrSmile vs Inman Aligner: Which dental trays are better?

23 Mar 2023 8 min read No comments DrSmile

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DrSmile vs Inman Aligner: In which points do the aligner providers differ and which product is more recommended?

Finally smile with confidence and be completely satisfied again when you look in the mirror. This is what many people who suffer from their misaligned teeth or gaps between their teeth want.

However, fixed braces are often out of the question, especially for adults. No wonder, because if the thought of unsightly wires and brackets is already difficult to bear in teenage years, it seems downright unthinkable at an advanced age.

Fortunately, there is now a more discreet alternative that is also inexpensive, time-saving and does not involve any pain.

Get 150 € discount on your dental correction!
Woman holding aligner and smiling with thumbs up

Book a consultation appointment now at a nearby DrSmile partner practice and find out if teeth straightening with aligners is right for you.

The appointment is completely non-binding and does not involve any costs.

With the code “THATSMILE150” you will receive 150 € discount on the treatment.

We are talking about so-called aligners. The transparent braces enable uncomplicated tooth correction and are also virtually invisible to third parties.

On the one hand, there are the classic aligners, such as those from DrSmile. However, somewhat modified products are also present on the market, such as the Inman aligners.

We would like to bring a bit of structure into the aligner chaos and help you find the right provider.

In this article, we therefore take a closer look at the two well-known providers and compare the Berlin-based company DrSmile vs Inman Aligner.

Who has the better product, which aligners are of higher quality, what are the advantages and disadvantages and who offers the better price-performance ratio?

Young woman smiles at the dentist - DrSmile vs Inman Aligner

DrSmile vs Inman Aligner: What do the providers have in common?

Unlike fixed braces, aligners can generally be removed at any time. This is necessary, for example, for eating and for daily dental care.

Just like fixed braces, however, aligners aim to push teeth into the desired position by applying constant pressure, thereby correcting malocclusions or closing gaps between teeth.

Both DrSmile and Inman Aligner treatment begins with an initial appointment at a partner office.

Here an individual consultation takes place. The teeth, gums and jaw are also examined.

For the production of the aligners, a 3D scan of the teeth is made at DrSmile. X-rays are taken and impressions of the upper and lower jaw are taken for Inman Aligners.

What are the applications of DrSmile and Inman Aligners?

Both DrSmile aligners and Inman aligners can correct only mild to moderate tooth misalignments.

By the way, this is true for most providers of invisible braces. Among others also Braceless, ClearCorrect, Bestsmile, Smileunion, HarmonieSchiene and PlusDental.

Currently, only Invisalign products can be considered for serious tooth misalignments.

In addition, both DrSmile and Inman Aligners do not allow treatment until the patient is 18 years of age or older. The reason for this is that the dentition (jaws and teeth) may no longer be in growth.

Therefore, the question “Dr Smile vs Inman Aligner – which dental trays can be used more often?” remains balanced.

Woman compares aligner with fixed braces

Dr Smile or Inman Aligner: What is the difference between the two providers?

Although DrSmile and Inman aligners basically pursue the same goal, the dental appliances differ both visually and in their functionality.

At this point we would like to show you the essential differences once again:

What you should know about DrSmile

The DrSmile aligners are made to measure and fitted precisely over the dentition.

Due to their individual shape, they exert constant pressure so that the teeth are pushed into the desired position during the course of treatment.

They are wafer-thin, flexible and completely transparent. In this way, the aligners enable discreet tooth correction, as they are virtually invisible to third parties.

The aligners must be worn for at least 22 hours per day and may only be removed for eating, cleaning and oral hygiene.

Throughout the treatment, the specified wearing time must be consistently observed. Otherwise, the treatment plan cannot be adhered to and the desired result cannot be guaranteed.

Following tooth correction with DrSmile, the teeth are fixed in the new position with the help of a fixed or removable retainer.

The latter is similar to the invisible braces worn even during treatment.

Especially important: At DrSmile, you only have to make an initial appointment. After that, the aligners are conveniently sent to your home and the experts check your progress with the help of an app.

Get 150 € discount on your dental correction!
Woman holding aligner and smiling with thumbs up

Book a consultation appointment now at a nearby DrSmile partner practice and find out if teeth straightening with aligners is right for you.

The appointment is completely non-binding and does not involve any costs.

With the code “THATSMILE150” you will receive 150 € discount on the treatment.

What you should know about Inman Aligners

The Inman Aligner also shifts the teeth into the ideal position by applying gentle pressure. However, this is achieved not only by the individual shape but also by springs on the braces.

Unlike most invisible braces, Inman aligners do not have to be worn for 22 hours a day, but only for 16 to 18 hours.

At the end of the treatment, the braces act like a retainer and fix the teeth in their new place. Alternatively, a fixed adhesive retainer can be used.

Unlike DrSmile aligners, however, Inman aligners are not completely invisible. The transparent plastic clip on the front of the teeth is discreet but visible to outsiders.

A small interim conclusion on the differences

Accordingly, we can answer the question “DrSmile vs Inman aligners – which dental trays are more discreet?” with DrSmile.

When asked “Dr Smile vs Inman Aligner – which provider straightens teeth faster?”, however, Inman Aligners come out on top.

This is because the complex apparatus of the Inman aligners enables them to straighten teeth extremely quickly.

At DrSmile, treatment lasts an average of four to nine months. With Inman Aligners, the average treatment time is between six weeks and four months.

Most importantly, with Inman aligners, you will need to come to the office two to three weeks after the initial appointment where the aligner will be placed and adjusted. A further check-up is then performed every 14 days throughout the treatment.

DrSmile vs Inman Aligner: How do the prices differ?

DrSmile offers very good value for money and communicates its prices transparently.

The prices refer to the complete tooth correction – regardless of whether you need a aligner for one or both jaws.

At DrSmile, your malocclusion is classified as mild, moderate or severe. The classification is based on the total number of aligners required for the treatment.

DrSmile prices at a glance:

  • Light cases: 1790 € (from 33 €/month)
  • Medium cases: 2890 € (from 53 €/month)
  • Complex cases: 3990 € (from 74 €/month)

You can find more information about DrSmile prices here.

Unlike DrSmile, there are no flat rates for Inman Aligner treatment.

The prices are set by the dentist or orthodontist after he has been able to estimate how much effort the treatment will require.

However, most dentists quote a price range of 2000 to 2500 per jaw on their websites.

Accordingly, we cannot give a blanket answer to the question “DrSmile or Inman aligners – which provider is cheaper?”.

If you only want to have one row of teeth corrected, the Inman aligners might be a little cheaper.

In most cases, however, both rows of teeth are straightened as part of orthodontic treatment. If this is also the case for you, DrSmile is always cheaper.

Important to know: The costs for a dental correction for adults are only covered by health insurance in exceptional cases (e.g. accident or malocclusion from the orthodontic indication group 3, 4 and 5).

Woman holding invisible aligners in hand

Our conclusion on the subject of Dr Smile vs Inman Aligner

We generally recommend that you do not focus exclusively on prices when choosing an aligner provider.

Instead, get basic information about the companies and read lots of reviews and testimonials on the internet before you decide.

When it comes to the question “DrSmile vs Inman Aligner: Which provider is better?”, our recommendation leans towards DrSmile.

DrSmile offers a very good price-performance ratio and only high-quality materials and state-of-the-art technologies are used in the production “made in Germany & USA”.

Through the app, the course of treatment is regularly monitored and kept in view by dentists and orthodontists. Last but not least, DrSmile offers a satisfaction promise.

Inman Aligner communicates its prices less transparently and is also much more reticent about publishing concrete figures.

There are also only a few testimonials and reviews about the Inman aligners published on the Internet and social media.

Also, unlike DrSmile, Inman aligner treatment is not 100 percent discreet, which is actually the main desire of most aligner customers.

At Inman Aligner, you will also not receive your aligners conveniently sent to your home by mail, but will have to make regular appointments at the practice. This is not always easy in the stressful daily routine.

Get 150 € discount on your dental correction!
Woman holding aligner and smiling with thumbs up

Book a consultation appointment now at a nearby DrSmile partner practice and find out if teeth straightening with aligners is right for you.

The appointment is completely non-binding and does not involve any costs.

With the code “THATSMILE150” you will receive 150 € discount on the treatment.

FAQs on the topic of DrSmile vs InmanAligner

Finally, here are some frequently asked questions about DrSmile vs Inman aligners.

You can find more articles and information about DrSmile here.

Which aligners are the best?

We recommend DrSmile for your dental correction. The company offers a very good price-performance ratio and only high-quality materials and state-of-the-art technologies are used in the production “made in Germany & USA”. In addition, DrSmile offers a satisfaction promise.

Which is better: PlusDental or DrSmile?

Just like DrSmile, PlusDental was acquired by the Straumann Group in 2022. The company merged the two former startups and now sells the aligners exclusively under the brand name DrSmile. Accordingly, the products are identical.

How much does DrSmile cost?

DrSmile prices range from 1790 euros to 3190 euros, depending on the severity of the malocclusion and the number of splints needed. In rare cases, treatment can be more expensive. However, you will always know the final price before the treatment begins.

How much does the treatment with Inman aligners cost?

The prices are set by the dentist or orthodontist after he has been able to estimate how much effort the treatment will require. You should plan with a sum between 2000 and 2500 euros per pine.

Woman holds aligner in hand and smiles
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